Spirits of Charlestown Historic Ghost Tours & Lectures
October 2015 tours - Saturday,10/24, Sunday,10/25, Tuesday,10/27 & Friday, 10/30. Tours start at 7pm and last 90 minutes ending at the Haunted Warren Tavern.
Call Us: 617-242-4682
Thursday, October 15th, MaryLee is host Kathy Giordano's special Halloween guest on Charlestown and Beyond on BNN. Check out the YouTube video of the Halloween Show
Saturday, October 24th, 12:00pm - 3:00pm, Authentic Victorian Seance, First Spiritualist Church of Quincy, 40 West Street, Quincy, MA. Call ahead to reserve a seat at one of the tables with a Victorian Medium. Email: laura.a.mccarthy@comcast.net / telephone 781-871-4625.
Saturday, October 24th, 7:00PM Spirits of Charlestown Ghost Tour
Leaving from the fountain at City Square Park. Reservations strongly recommended.
$5 discount when you buy your tickets on this website.
Sunday, October 25th, 7:00PM Spirits of Charlestown Ghost Tour
Leaving from the fountain at City Square Park. Reservations strongly recommended.
$5 discount when you buy your tickets on this website.
Tuesday, October 27th, 7:00PM Spirits of Charlestown Ghost Tour
Leaving from the fountain at City Square Park. Reservations strongly recommended.
$5 discount when you buy your tickets on this website.
Friday, October 30th, 7:00PM Spirits of Charlestown Ghost Tour
Leaving from the fountain at City Square Park. Reservations strongly recommended.
$5 discount when you buy your tickets on this website.
Friday, October 31st, 5:00pm, Bunker Hill Monument, Find me among the masses for a special Halloween Treat. I'll be wearing my tour costume - a black Victorian mourning dress.